
Showing posts from 2018

The echo chambers of Indian Politics: How Facebook pages are ruining political discourse in the democracy

Conservatives and liberals are two broad groups in any political system. While conservatives value established social structure, respect religion and take culture as to be an authoritative source of public conduct, liberals emphasise upon individual rights, reject religion's orthodoxy and focus upon ‘liberty’ as the basis of any political society. Consequently, the two groups differ on various issues such as policy, health, secutriy and this difference becomes the basis of discourse in the system. In recent times, the rise of internet and social media have drastically changed the way discourse takes place in democracies around the world. Though it is true that internet has significantly transferred power in hands of people as almost everyone has access to smart phones and 4g internet (in fact, I have seen the lowest rung of society such as garbage collectors to enjoy smartphones in their hands- According to a report, 500 million people will have access to internet by June 2...

Why Trump's Muslim ban does not make Sense?

The recent executive order of American President Donald Trump of banning migrants from seven Muslim-majority countries has triggered a heating debate worldwide, whether banning people from entering country as a national security measure at the expense of people who are not even remotely connected to any terror activity is justified or not. The Optimistic Indian understands that almost all terrorists, in this period belong to the Islamic sect. So banning people from some( and not all) of the countries who have a muslim-majority population, though highly racist, is still a counter-terrorist measure. Let's just analyse the step for the merit of this measure. And not for, reasons like 'It is infringement on fundamental right of a Global Citizen.'or 'This is against the American concept of Liberty'. Consider for a moment. Trump is an American guy. And he wants to save his country. So he has taken this measure. Makes sense. The question is whether this...