Why Trump's Muslim ban does not make Sense?

The recent executive order of American President Donald Trump of banning migrants from seven Muslim-majority countries has triggered a heating debate worldwide, whether banning people from entering country as a national security measure at the expense of people who are not even remotely connected to any terror activity is justified or not.

The Optimistic Indian understands that almost all terrorists, in this period belong to the Islamic sect. So banning people from some( and not all) of the countries who have a muslim-majority population, though highly racist, is still a counter-terrorist measure.

Let's just analyse the step for the merit of this measure. And not for, reasons like 'It is infringement on fundamental right of a Global Citizen.'or 'This is against the American concept of Liberty'.

Consider for a moment. Trump is an American guy. And he wants to save his country. So he has taken this measure. Makes sense.

The question is whether this order will curb terrorism?
Anthony Cardermon, a Military expert tells us it is NOT.

·      Ban on people from these 'Muslim' countries help terrorist groups to incite the feeling among the locals the anti-West sentiment: the West is against Islam, these capitalists assholes are against Allaha. This will provoke more Muslims, who might have thought of working well receive Western Education would join hands with Islamic extremists.
·      To fight Middle East, US needs constant support from countries of Middle East. To share strategic information. To install military stations. To fight terror groups. What this ban will do, is to frustrate the country heads and cooperating with them would certainly become harder.

 Also we think this will increase the tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims communities in US as well as the 'banned'countries. "Look, even the government thinks you're a terrorist."

John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Senators, who lead the criticism in the Republican party against the executive order in a joint statement said
''Ultimately, we fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism. We must understand that at the very moment American troops are fighting side-by-side with our Iraqi partners to defeat ISIL. This measure may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security."'

The Optimistic Indian strongly condemns the ban not just as a racist, anti-liberal measure but also as an ineffective and in fact a self-inflicting counter-terrorist measure.


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